Clan A | Clan B | ||||
KINGS OF ASSAM (#L8Y89V0C) (No League Association) lvl. 20 40 people, 61★ 58.325% 29 Attacks |
الجبابره (#2L29C9C88) (No League Association) lvl. 12 40 people, 59★ 59.4% 28 Attacks |
1 | assam boy king (#PCPQRPCUG) | 1. Hit #3: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #9: 3 stars 100% | 1 | ☆☆《TitaN》☆☆ (#LY9J8CLCQ) | No attacks |
2 | Maanja Magesh (#90ULRRR0G) | No attacks | 2 | waseem alatrash (#90GPY0RRL) | 1. Hit #2: 2 stars 69 2. Hit #3: 2 stars 76 |
3 | DEVIL (#2VCYUC2P9) | 1. Hit #4: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #2: 2 stars 78% | 3 | المدمر جوكر (#PQ99R28L2) | No attacks |
4 | mohadev (#Y0V8L0J9Y) | 1. Hit #5: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #7: 3 stars 100% | 4 | صدام/حسين (#P889YYG9C) | No attacks |
5 | TBZ Maki (#YQLRJPURG) | 1. Hit #1: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #10: 3 stars 100% | 5 | ♥️SANAD♥️S.H (#PGYQQR9G8) | No attacks |
6 | Mr.Bahubali.... (#P9RRRQLPJ) | 1. Hit #6: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #8: 3 stars 100% | 6 | MAMON (#PVLCG2GQ) | 1. Hit #6: 2 stars 64 2. Hit #9: 2 stars 94 |
7 | D RalsTon (#80Q0YPV82) | 1. Hit #17: 3 stars 100% | 7 | 55 (#LGUY2CQQR) | No attacks |
8 | king kong (#9VGYQCL9V) | 1. Hit #24: 2 stars 88% 2. Hit #10: 2 stars 91% | 8 | قننف (#Q8JRY0GP8) | No attacks |
9 | Noerick (#QJR2UVCQC) | No attacks | 9 | {فيصل بن محمد} (#YUPC88YYU) | No attacks |
10 | Kingston Babatu (#PQPUY08PP) | No attacks | 10 | king of the hel (#P0V20GYGC) | 1. Hit #10: 1 stars 38 2. Hit #18: 2 stars 84 |
11 | ™★GANGSTER★࿐ (#8YCULPV8L) | 1. Hit #14: 1 stars 74% | 11 | king hacker (#9R2RGQ9JG) | No attacks |
12 | Gokulxm24 (#Q2JJ2QYRP) | No attacks | 12 | ahmed (#QVU82UJJ2) | No attacks |
13 | king kong 2 (#PPU9PPJCP) | 1. Hit #30: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #26: 3 stars 100% | 13 | ديلافيكا (#QRG0JJGVY) | 1. Hit #17: 2 stars 52 2. Hit #19: 2 stars 72 |
14 | SAMRAT (#2CU8UC92U) | No attacks | 14 | ابومحمد هاشم (#YRL2PRRC) | No attacks |
15 | Victory (#QP92R82VC) | 1. Hit #15: 2 stars 83% 2. Hit #12: 3 stars 100% | 15 | Vyman (#QVG8YVVL2) | No attacks |
16 | susmita (#PCJUG2GY0) | 1. Hit #34: 2 stars 99% 2. Hit #37: 2 stars 77% | 16 | الجارح المتجدد (#QY99CYY8Y) | 1. Hit #15: 1 stars 94 2. Hit #16: 2 stars 85 |
17 | devil (#YP08RVVUL) | No attacks | 17 | abd.al7med (#QGG0YU2CJ) | No attacks |
18 | DANGER TOMBSTON (#YCVR02CPP) | No attacks | 18 | abo_zaid (#8LVRJYQGQ) | No attacks |
19 | gogoi__100_ (#Q2CQGLRPP) | No attacks | 19 | الكاسر (#QRLVGCGY2) | 1. Hit #21: 2 stars 74 |
20 | JAKSANVIGNESH (#YLVQJGPQ2) | No attacks | 20 | الملك (#8YVJL9LC8) | 1. Hit #24: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #26: 1 stars 68 |
21 | Rubel (#LL29YCUV8) | No attacks | 21 | مـْـْْـْڊمـْـر (#9JCCPC9QG) | No attacks |
22 | zomtghf (#QLG0LYU9C) | No attacks | 22 | seyedjavad (#Q28U0U9UQ) | No attacks |
23 | Ankit (#G8RCR0CQ9) | 1. Hit #40: 1 stars 85% | 23 | SCORPION✌ (#RV9RJ2LJ) | 1. Hit #20: 1 stars 95 2. Hit #22: 3 stars 100 |
24 | KING KONG (#QRCY0RQCR) | 1. Hit #37: 0 stars 26% 2. Hit #40: 2 stars 95% | 24 | اسد الصحراء (#Y8URCR2GV) | 1. Hit #33: 3 stars 100 |
25 | DON (#QL0QGJYUR) | No attacks | 25 | eslam elmaghrab (#QQ28000UR) | No attacks |
26 | PAGAL LADKA (#QCU9V8200) | No attacks | 26 | السبـيـشــلء (#YYLC82GVG) | No attacks |
27 | L4ZY_QU33N_S1 (#G09J8YR8C) | No attacks | 27 | بيبو (#LCCUCLJC0) | No attacks |
28 | only_the_cat (#QV9QGCJC8) | No attacks | 28 | آلعہقہآربہ (#QLVJYUVP8) | 1. Hit #36: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #35: 3 stars 100 |
29 | one shot (#QGULUCVQ9) | 1. Hit #33: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #35: 1 stars 81% | 29 | ال طليس (#YQ8809U2Y) | No attacks |
30 | SOPHEA Gaming (#QC0VUYYYQ) | No attacks | 30 | علوش البياتي (#92L8RUJRC) | 1. Hit #30: 1 stars 72 2. Hit #29: 2 stars 99 |
31 | Anime_Forever (#QLQQYLQ8U) | No attacks | 31 | Abanoub Samy (#QU0LC2RJR) | 1. Hit #27: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #28: 1 stars 73 |
32 | AKASH-FIGHTER (#PJQU82G0G) | No attacks | 32 | raid (#Y90008VYG) | No attacks |
33 | shilpi (#PUCJRGLV0) | 1. Hit #40: 1 stars 75% 2. Hit #39: 1 stars 72% | 33 | Mido《♧ET♧》 (#Q0JQ0QJVC) | No attacks |
34 | BOOS (#G02YR2V9U) | No attacks | 34 | Leeo (#QJUQQJUQL) | 1. Hit #34: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #39: 3 stars 100 |
35 | prabhat (#PLCUCC2VP) | No attacks | 35 | جنگجو (#LY0R2C8GV) | No attacks |
36 | sunu (#QUL2G8R0G) | 1. Hit #38: 3 stars 100% 2. Hit #36: 1 stars 86% | 36 | hse (#QC09LQPRR) | 1. Hit #23: 3 stars 100 2. Hit #40: 3 stars 100 |
37 | kiron (#QUUYU9Y28) | No attacks | 37 | BAZA (#9QPVL8UQV) | No attacks |
38 | ak76024 (#QVR8RV8PC) | No attacks | 38 | Yahya (#QUL9QPGGU) | No attacks |
39 | partpatel (#QR820GGGR) | No attacks | 39 | خابوش (#Q8LU2QRP0) | No attacks |
40 | Sai Na (#QV29QQJCP) | No attacks | 40 | كــيان (#QQUURGCJ8) | 1. Hit #38: 2 stars 87 2. Hit #37: 1 stars 80 |